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Clear sustainability targets

Clear sustainability targets

We are committed to make a difference in sustainability together with our customers in line with our strategy and purpose: enabling performance and people’s wellbeing in smart and sustainable built environments .  We are a forerunner in holistic building and industrial lifecycle solutions that support our customers and society.  We aim for our positive climate impact to be 10 times greater than our Scope 1-2 carbon footprint by 2030.  Key performance indicator 2023 status 2025 target Total carbon footprint is defined and measured 100% 100% Actions in 2023: We defined, measured, and validated our total emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3). We sent our GHG emission data to the SBT committee for validation. We are a forerunner in holistic building and industrial lifecycle solutions that support our customers and society.  We aim for our positive climate impact to be 10 times greater than our Scope 1-2 carbon footprint by 2030. Key performance indicator 2023 status 2025 target Our offering has a defined carbon handprint 25% 100% Carbon handprint over footprint (Scope 1-2) >3 times greater  5 times greater Actions in 2023: We defined a unified carbon handprint method and calculation model. We defined a unified carbon handprint method and calculation model. We did an internal audit of Scope 1-2 calculation models, unified the data collection process, and decreased our own carbon footprint.   Our employees have strong competences in their areas and have clear focus on execution and development of our sustainable business. Key performance indicator 2023 status 2025 target Accident frequency rate: LTIFR 4.1 <2 Share of female employees % 11% 15% Our employees trained in sustainability 97% 100%   Actions in 2023: We invested in systematic safety work, safety culture and strong proactive measures in safety. We focused on raising awareness in diversity, equity, and inclusion by launching a DEI program for top management and hiring managers. We continued the implementation of sustainability eLearning.   We have 100% visibility on our key suppliers’ sustainability and success in sustainable supply chain management. Our business is managed in a sustainable manner and we have established a solid ground for sustainable business throughout our value chain. Ensuring sustainable value chain 2023 status 2025 target Supplier Code of Conduct sign-off rate (%)  80% >90% Our tender requests include sustainability criteria -  100%   Actions in 2023: We continued to follow-up each Caverion division to increase the Supplier Code of Conduct sign-off rate. We continued sustainability discussions with selected key suppliers and piloted criteria in selected tender requests.



Environment   Our footprint We have detailed targets and plans to reduce our emissions and our carbon footprint. At the same time, we work with our suppliers and customers to reduce emissions throughout our value chain. Scope 1: Vehicle fleet Our transition plan to decrease GHG emissions is based on the action plan approved in 2023. For Scope 1, we focus on the electrification of business vehicles and service vehicles. In addition, we plan to purchase low-emission renewable diesel for the remaining diesel-powered service vehicles. By optimising the existing number of about 4,300 service vans and 1,600 passenger cars, increasing our remote services, optimising routes and more economical way of driving, it is possible to achieve significant financial and environmental savings. In 2023, Scope 1 emissions were 0.6% of our total emissions. Service cars accounted for 19,177 tCO₂ (i.e., 97% of Scope 1 emissions). In 2023, we continued to electrify our vehicle fleet in all our operating countries. Particularly good development was achieved in the electrification of business vehicles. By 2025, our aim is that more than half of our service van fleet is electric. Scope 2: Facilities In our transition plan, the reduction of GHG emissions in facilities (Scope 2) is based on switching to carbon dioxide-free electricity and district heating in all rented premises and buildings where it is possible. In addition, we constantly strive to optimise the number of properties, improve the energy efficiency and utilisation rate of facilities, and increase the amount of on-site energy production, if it is the most reasonable option. Our operations are not energy intensive. In 2023, Scope 2 emissions derived mainly from our leased office buildings, amounting to 13,291 tCO₂ or 0.4% of our total emissions. In 2023, the most significant GHG emission reduction action in all divisions was switching to carbon dioxide-free electricity (including renewable energy sources and nuclear power). Scope 3 In 2023, we completed our Scope 3 GHG emission inventory calculations. The vast majority, i.e. 99% (3,215,683 tCO₂) of our total emissions are based on our indirect emissions in the value chain. The main GHG emission categories are: category 1: purchased Goods and Services (in total 12.6% of our total emissions, i.e., 408,847 tCO₂) and category 11: use of Sold Products (in total 85.2% of our total emissions, i.e., 2,766,414 tCO₂). Additional Scope 3 GHG emissions categories relevant to our business are category 3: fuel and energy related activities (0.1% of our total emissions), category 4: upstream transportation and distribution (0.1%), category 5: waste generated in operations (0.0%), category 6: business travel (0.3%), category 7: employee commuting (0.7%), and category 12: end-of-life treatment of sold products (0.1%). These categories, which consist of numerous different business activities, account for 1.2% of Caverion's total emissions. Consequently, our transition plan has only been created for our main categories 1 and 11, which we believe is where we have the greatest opportunity to reduce our Scope 3 emissions. Total greenhouse gas emissions in 2023:    Our handprint As sustainability needs are growing rapidly, we are well positioned to help provide a sustainable and digital future for our customers and the whole society. We offer expert guidance throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, infrastructure and industrial sites and processes. Our focus is on delivering long-lasting benefits by bringing together people, technology, and data. Our growth in sustainable smart solutions is supported by the joint need to fight climate change and the other megatrends, such as the increasing digitalisation and urbanisation. We are continuously improving and expanding our smart technology and digital solution offering to increase customer value and our carbon handprint. We target a positive carbon handprint five times greater than our carbon footprint (Scope 1-2) by 2025 and 10 times greater by 2030.    With our focus on lifecycle management and smart and sustainable solutions and services, Caverion helps customers achieve substantial energy savings and thus mitigate climate change .  An environmentally compliant supply chain and partners are essential for Caverion.  In 2023, 92% of Caverion’s business was ISO 14001 environmentally certified . ISO 14001 certified business Environmental risks Caverion’s own operations are not extensively energy intensive and therefore risks related to growing energy consumption are moderate. Waste generated and chemicals used in Caverion’s operations are recycled and disposed according to regulatory requirements. For most part, the environmental impact of Caverion’s operations relates to local noise or dust. Caverion continuously follows legislation changes on environment in the EU area and in the other operating countries . Caverion is starting a more in-depth analysis on its impacts on global biodiversity.  Sustainable and smart offering As sustainability needs are growing rapidly, Caverion is well positioned to enable a sustainable, environmentally friendly, and digital future for our customers and the whole society.  The focus is on delivering long-lasting benefits by combining people, technology and data. Caverion' possesses expert guidance throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, infrastructure and industrial sites and processes. Caverion's holds expert guidance throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings, infrastructure and industrial sites and processes. Examples of our smart and sustainable offering: Our people   Business ethics Supply chain Health & Safety Read more

Services and Projects – our business units

Services and Projects – our business units

Services Our goal is to be a leading service company and our customers’ trusted partner, and to profitably grow faster than the market Share of 2023 revenue: 65% (EUR 1,620.6 million) Caverion is a partner for its customers within built environment services, from technical maintenance and property management services to solutions based on smart technologies and advisory services. We can offer our customers sustainable, flexible and high-quality service by: being a forerunner in sustainability, technology and digitalisation having a wide local service network. Our focus is on delivering impactful outcomes for our customers, including carbon footprint decrease, energy savings, improved end-user satisfaction and optimal building conditions. Projects As a selective master of projects, our goal is to set the optimal foundation for a long-term customer relationship which we further grow with our service capabilities throughout the entire lifecycle Share of 2023 revenue: 35% (EUR 870.5 million) Caverion delivers building technology and infrastructure projects for new built environment investments and modernisations. We enable our customers’ building performance: by being a lifecycle partner with design&build expertise, installing all building technologies and offering smart and energy efficient solutions, always focusing on connectivity and human-centric design.  Our customers count on us for future-proof installations and technical solutions that meet regulations, safety and sustainability requirements of the future. Services and Projects for industry We are improving efficiency, operational reliability and maintenance processes and help our customers to meet increasing sustainability requirements and develop towards knowledge-based management and operator-driven reliability. When the customers’ production or energy generation assets and processes operate as planned, production disruptions, uncontrolled emissions and waste are minimised. We offer solutions for the entire lifecycle of the investment - from pre-engineering to implementation and ensuring production continuity.  Caverion in brief   Customers Strategy   Sustainability Innovation History Policies