29.03.2023 Press release

Patria and Caverion continue long-term cooperation – new contract period begins

The cooperation between Patria and Caverion in the maintenance of properties, which started in 2012, will continue with a new contract. Caverion will have overall responsibility for the technical maintenance and upkeep of Patria's properties in Finland and the management of property maintenance services during the new five-year period. Caverion is also responsible for daily maintenance, the remote management of buildings and improving energy efficiency, as well as providing a HelpDesk service for users.

“The long-term and comprehensive cooperation between Caverion and Patria has created a strong foundation for the partnership. Caverion has been supporting Patria in ensuring the smooth running of its production organisation and in meeting its environmental responsibility targets for properties. Regular dialogue between the organisations will continue to enable Patria in focusing its activities and cooperation objectives on topical issues," says Ara Haikarainen, Patria's General Counsel.

Caverion has been consistently improving the energy efficiency of buildings through various measures during the past over a decade long cooperation. By regularly monitoring energy consumption and reacting quickly to anomalies, it has been possible to exceed the committed savings targets. Thanks to more efficient operations and the active management of services, there has been no need to compromise on working conditions in production and office premises, despite the cost savings.

“We are happy and proud of the good cooperation and long-term partnership with Patria. We will continue to help Patria achieve its sustainability goals in a changing operating environment," says Ville Tamminen, Head of Division Finland & Baltics at Caverion.

The contract covers Patria's properties located in Finland. The total area of ​​the properties is approximately 150,000 square meters. The agreement does not include properties used by Patria's subsidiary Millog Oy.

Patria outsourced the maintenance of its properties to Caverion (then YIT Kiinteistötekniikka Oy) in 2012. In the beginning of the cooperation, the main goal was to achieve significant cost savings in property maintenance and energy consumption. During the first two contract periods, the savings of several million euros guaranteed by Caverion to Patria in property maintenance costs have been achieved and exceeded.


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For further information, please contact: Kirsi Hemmilä, Communications Manager, Caverion Finland,, tel. +358 50 390 0941 Sirje Ahvenlampi-Hyvönen, Vice President, Group Communications, Patria,, tel. +358 50 557 3822

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