31.01.2023 Articles

Energy efficiency in focus: targeting energy savings of 46% for two schools in Helsinki

The City of Helsinki and Caverion will improve energy-efficiency in three city properties. The goal is to save energy equivalent to the annual consumption of 85 average private homes.

The City of Helsinki aims to be carbon neutral by 2030. The city and Caverion have now started ESCO projects to improve energy-efficiency in two schools and in a kindergarten. "Service buildings like schools and kindergartens are significant energy consumers in cities. In addition to energy savings, modern building technology systems enable better control of indoor conditions and outdated systems in the properties need to be renewed," says Chief Energy Specialist Jukka Huikari from the City of Helsinki.

Reducing CO2 emissions significantly

The goal of the new ESCO projects is to annually save approximately 1,700 MWh of energy in the properties, which corresponds to a reduction of approximately 247 tonnes in carbon dioxide emissions. This would mean 46 percent energy savings.

The modernisation plans include heating method changes, renewing the properties' building automation systems as well as improving condition monitoring and lighting.

Good results from previous ESCO projects

The City of Helsinki and Caverion have agreed on a long-term partnership in energy savings projects. Caverion is responsible for planning and implementing energy saving measures in properties and has given the city a guarantee of the level of energy savings to be achieved in these projects. In the projects now in question, the modernisations will be completed by the end of 2023, and Caverion will be responsible for the energy efficiency of the properties during a monitoring period of  five years.

"The City of Helsinki is a major property owner with an ambitious carbon neutral goal. It is great to work together towards this goal. At Caverion, we want to have a strong role in our society's energy saving efforts, and we continue to invest heavily in our energy expertise," says Laura Karotie, Head of Managed Operations, Caverion Finland.


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More information: Laura Karotie, Head of Managed Operations, Caverion Finland,, tel +35 8 50 326 9314
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