28.01.2022 Stock exchange release

Change in Caverion’s Group Management Board

Change in Caverion’s Group Management Board

Caverion Corporation’s Deputy CEO Thomas Hietto has resigned. Group Management Board member Kari Sundbäck, responsible for Strategy, Marketing & Communications and Supply Operations, will assume interim responsibility for Services as well as Sustainability & Smart City Solutions on top of his current role. These changes will be effective as of today.

Thomas Hietto, responsible for Services, Sustainability & Smart City Solutions, has acted in Caverion’s Group Management Board since July 2017. He has led various functions and businesses throughout the years, with the focus being on smart technology and Services business. During this time, Caverion has started the focused growth in smart technologies and digital solutions and has improved its Services performance.

“We want to thank Thomas for his valuable contribution to Caverion’s key strategic focus areas, such as growing our Services business over the past years. His industry expertise has strengthened our smart technology and digital solutions business. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours,” says Jacob Götzsche, President and CEO of Caverion Corporation.


Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, key media, www.caverion.com


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For further information: Jacob Götzsche, President and CEO; please contact Milena Hæggström for External Communications Milena Hæggström, Head of Investor Relations and External Communications, tel. +358 40 5581 328, milena.haeggstrom@caverion.com

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