New-high-Court-Copenhagen.jpg © Henning Larsen Architects A/S
31.05.2021 Investor news

Danish High Court gets guaranteed optimal indoor conditions for 20 years – Caverion chosen as a partner for the lifecycle

Caverion has signed a 20-year life cycle agreement for Østre Landsret, High Court of Eastern Denmark, in Copenhagen, with the investor group Velliv, Lægernes Pension and Pædagogernes Pension. This is one of the largest public-private partnership (PPP) projects in Denmark and an important step in the series of lifecycle contracts for Caverion. The contract is included in Caverion’s Q2/2021 order backlog.

Caverion’s part of the PPP project includes supporting the design and build phase with lifecycle advisory on the property, followed by service and maintenance throughout a contract period of 20 years from completion. This means that Caverion is responsible for the condition of the property throughout its lifecycle, including management, building efficiency, energy management, usability and safety.

“We see Caverion as the best performing life cycle partner and look forward to yet another PPP project supported by our long and good cooperation,” says Bente Stamp from Velliv Investment Department. 

The property will be connected to Caverion Remote Services, which helps to ensure agreed conditions and optimal energy use in the building. In addition to comprehensive technical maintenance of all building solutions, Caverion is also responsible for managing the soft services related to the property, such as canteen and cleaning, through subcontracting.

“This is an exciting project, not only because of its size and the long contract time, but also as an illustration of our Smart and sustainable services throughout the lifecycle. Caverion guarantees measurable outcomes. In this case we are happy to guarantee optimal indoor conditions for the Court for the years to come,” says Carsten Sørensen, Head of Caverion Denmark Division.

Welcoming and reassuring architecture

The new Østre Landsret, will, among other things, include courtrooms, administration, vestibule, café and canteen, and the building itself, through its architecture, shall signal credibility and appear welcoming and reassuring. The building is built on a 4,600 square meter site in Trælastholmen in Copenhagen's Nordhavn. The total area of the property is approximately 20,000 m2.

The project has been ordered by Bygningsstyrelsen on behalf of Danish Court Administration (Domstolsstyrelsen). A. Enggaard is responsible for the construction. Velliv, Lægernes Pension and Pædagogernes Pension are the real estate investors of the project. Henning Larsen Architects A/S and Norconsult A/S are associated consultants.

Caverion’s work will start during the first quarter of 2022. The project delivery will be completed during the first quarter of 2022, followed by the operation and maintenance phase until the year 2042.

Read more about our life cycle management services

Image source: Henning Larsen Architects A/S


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Additional information: Michael Kirkegaard, Head of Managed Services, Caverion Denmark, tel. +45 2069 4903,

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