11.01.2021 Press release

City of Helsinki chooses Caverion as its partner to improve the energy efficiency of public premises – pilot projects aim to cut CO2 emissions by 30%


The City of Helsinki has selected Caverion as its partner for energy efficiency services. Projects improving the energy efficiency of Liikuntamylly (multipurpose sports facility) in Myllypuro and the properties in the civil defence shelter in Kontula, Helsinki will be implemented as pilot projects.


The City of Helsinki has set strict and binding goals for the energy efficiency of its buildings. Reducing the energy consumption of existing buildings is vitally important for reaching the city's carbon neutrality goals.

"Public premises are considerable energy consumers in cities and offer potential for optimising energy use and cutting back carbon dioxide emissions. Some of the expired systems in the buildings could be replaced at the same time, thus reducing the maintenance backlog of the properties. Modern building solutions enable us not only to conserve energy but also better control the indoor conditions and connect the property to the demand response market in the future," says Chief Energy Consultant Jukka Huikari from the City of Helsinki.

The energy-saving goal of 2,200 MWh corresponds to the annual consumption of about 110 single-family houses

The projects improving the energy efficiency of Liikuntamylly and the civil defence shelter in Kontula aim to achieve about 2,200 MWh in annual energy savings, corresponding to a cut in carbon dioxide emissions at an annual level of about 330 tonnes. The total savings from the initial level are nearly 30%.

The projects will be implemented with an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESCO) which means that the investment is paid for by the resulting savings. The contract period is eight years, during which Caverion guarantees annual savings. The energy efficiency of the properties will be improved by replacing the ventilation system and other building systems. Renewable energy will be introduced alongside district heating by building energy wells for cooling and heating. 

Smart and energy efficient heating and ventilation controls will also be integrated in the properties, and the buildings will be connected to Caverion's remote monitoring for the duration of the contract period.  The renewals will be completed by the end of 2021, after which Caverion will be in charge of energy efficiency in the properties for the duration of the contract period.

"We're excited about this cooperation with the City of Helsinki. Carbon neutrality is a shared goal of ours, and Caverion and its customers are committed to enabling performance and well-being in smart and sustainable built environments. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings is one of our key means of increasing our mutual carbon handprint," says Laura Karotie, Vice President, Managed Services, Caverion Finland. 

The project is related to the Carbon-neutral Helsinki 2035 action plan and the Energy Wise Cities project, seeking new, intelligent, low-carbon solutions for improving the energy efficiency of cities' residential and public premises. The project has been granted energy aid by Business Finland.

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