29.10.2020 Stock exchange release

Charges pressed against the President and CEO of Caverion Corporation in a Nokian Tyres related matter

It has come to the attention of Caverion Corporation that the public prosecutor has decided to press charges in a matter concerning suspected disclosure offence in a Nokian Tyres plc related matter against several persons including Ari Lehtoranta, the President and CEO of Caverion Corporation. Mr. Lehtoranta acted as the President & CEO of Nokian Tyres plc in 2015-2016, the period under investigation.

The matter does not in any manner relate to Lehtoranta's position as the President and CEO of Caverion Corporation and he enjoys full trust of the Board of Directors. Caverion will monitor the progress of the proceedings and revisit the issue at the latest when the outcome of the proceedings has been determined.

Ari Lehtoranta denies any involvement in criminal activity. The company will not comment on the matter.



Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, principal media, www.caverion.com


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