16.04.2020 Press release

Caverion digitalises the maintenance of 250 residential properties in Finland

Caverion and Asokodit have entered into an agreement on extensively utilising Caverion’s digital solutions in the maintenance of Asokodit residential properties. With Caverion's services and the SmartView platform, the Asokodit properties can be maintained and comfortable conditions can be ensured throughout the buildings’ life cycle.

The information obtained from Asokodit properties is collected in one digital platform.

”Through the SmartView platform provided by Caverion, we can for instance view the functionality of our building technology as well as recycling and recovery rates of property waste. Thanks to the sensors installed, we are also able to take into account the real heating and ventilation conditions of the apartments. Building technology now functions in the rhythm of residents’ lives. With small investments, we have also been able to reduce energy consumption in hundreds of our properties,” says Teemu Jalomäki, Real Estate Manager, Asokodit.

The agreement will initially cover about 250 properties with technical capabilities for remote services. New properties will be included in the scope of the agreement as they can easily be connected to Caverion's remote services as part of modernisation work or in new constructions.

"Utilising analytics and data processing, we provide Asokodit with an even more comprehensive view of the state of their properties and thus help them implement the most effective measures that support the entire life cycle of properties," says Heikki Rostila, Head of Managed Services Operations, Caverion Finland.

Caverion maintains and upgrades building technology solutions to make the most of the potential of the building. Gathering data into one digital Caverion SmartView platform also helps Asokodit to optimise its operations in terms of environmental efficiency and sustainability. Through the now included waste reporting, the traditional energy management service will expand and help reduce emissions and environmental impact of the properties.In addition to the new service agreement, Caverion is responsible for the technical maintenance of Asokodit properties in ten locations in Finland.


Asokodit provides right-of-occupancy homes as part of Asuntosäätiö group, a non-profit foundation established in 1951. Asuntosäätiö, with over 17,000 right-of-occupancy and rental homes, is the fourth largest owner of residential real estate in Finland.


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Further information: Kirsi Hemmilä, Communications Manager, Caverion Finland, kirsi.hemmila[at]caverion.com, tel. +358 50 390 0941

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