23.05.2019 Investor news

Two schools in Espoo, Finland to be renovated and expanded as a life cycle project – top-class energy efficiency and conditions

Two schools in Espoo, Finland to be renovated and expanded as a life cycle project – top-class energy efficiency and conditions

The renovation and extension of the Laajalahti primary school and the Tuomarila primary and pre-primary school in Espoo, Finland will be implemented as a life cycle project by Caverion in collaboration with YIT. For Caverion, the total value of the contract is approximately EUR 18 million. The developer of the project is Kiinteistö Oy Espoo Toimitilat.

Caverion is responsible for the design and implementation of Total Technical Solutions, including all building systems, for the old buildings to be renovated and for the extensions. Caverion is also responsible for Technical Maintenance, Managed Services and long-term repair plans for the 20-year contract period. In the parts to be renovated, Caverion's life cycle responsibility covers building systems. YIT will be responsible for the project's construction work.

“After long preparations and negotiations, it always feels great when the contract is signed and the project gets off the ground for real. The life-cycle projects are a part of the Fix the schools in Espoo initiative. Our cooperation with Caverion has worked out well in previous projects and we naturally expect the same from this project,” says Kimmo Martinsen, Head of Design Management Unit at the Premises Department.

"The partnership-based lifecycle model has proved its effectiveness in municipal service construction, especially in the construction of schools. The lifecycle model ensures that the premises are safe and healthy for their users. This new life cycle project will continue our good co-operation with the City of Espoo, which began in 2003. Kaivomestari, Espoo's first school, indoor swimming pool and sports hall implemented as a life cycle project, has shown that the model works," says Ville Tamminen, Executive Vice President, Caverion Finland.

Focus on strict energy efficiency requirements, good indoor air conditions and learning environment flexibility

The energy efficiency requirements for the extension parts of both schools are very strict and are implemented at almost zero energy levels. The E-value (energy performance value) of the buildings is less than 72 kwh/m2, which is well below the Finnish national minimum requirements.

Part of the property's energy needs are produced by solar power plants and the properties have district heating. In addition, energy efficiency is boosted by LED lights, demand-controlled lighting and daylight adjustment, a comprehensive and efficient ventilation heat recovery system and the most energy efficient equipment on the market. The sealing of the structures and thermal insulation are also better than the required level.

The design of technical solutions emphasises flexibility, energy efficiency, indoor air conditions, usability and life cycle. The flexibility of the learning environment into different learning spaces and learning plazas guides the technical solutions impacting indoor air conditions and ICT and electricity distribution.

“The Laajalahti and Tuomarila schools are designed to be functional, versatile and flexible, serving the changing needs of the city, pupils and school staff well into the future,” says Esa Neuvonen, EVP, Business Premises segment at YIT.   

A safe and comfortable environment for learning

In addition to grades 1–6, Tuomarila's school comprises also pre-school facilities. Laajalahti School is a primary school with grades 1–6. The school spaces and functions are based on a cell model. Easily structured spaces create a safe and comfortable environment for learning. The spaces can be furnished flexibly and they can be combined, opened and closed to meet different needs. The solution enables several different teaching and learning methods as required by the Espoo School Design Guidelines.

For Laajalahti school, the part to be renovated has an area of 2,794 m2 and the extension an area of 4,596 m2. The renovation of the Tuomarila School comprises 1,796 m2 and the extension 5,415 m2. In both schools, the parts to be renovated were built in the 1950s and are listed buildings.

Work will start with demolition in autumn 2019 and the building is due for completion in autumn 2021, which also marks the beginning of the maintenance period that lasts until 2041.

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Additional information: Kirsi Hemmilä, Communications Manager, Caverion Suomi Oy, tel. +358 50 390 0941, kirsi.hemmila[at]caverion.com Esa Neuvonen, EVP, Business Premises segment, YIT, tel. +358 40 5001 003, esa.neuvonen[at]yit.fi 

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