03.09.2019 Stock exchange release

The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority has applied for a two-month extension from the Market Court concerning Caverion’s acquisition of Maintpartner’s operations in Finland, Estonia and Poland

The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority has applied for a two-month extension from the Market Court concerning Caverion’s acquisition of Maintpartner’s operations in Finland, Estonia and Poland

Caverion signed on 12 March 2019 an agreement to acquire all of the shares in Maintpartner Group Oy including its subsidiaries in Finland, Poland and Estonia. The transaction is subject to approval by the competition authorities. The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (the "FCCA") has with Caverion’s consent applied for a two-month extension period from the Market Court for its further proceedings initiated on 20 June 2019. The Market Court has on 3 September 2019 extended the deadline for clearance so that the final decision on the matter will be given at the latest on 24 November 2019. The additional time is required to finalise the proceedings.

Releases on the matter will be made available on the website of the FCCA (only available in Finnish) under: https://www.kkv.fi/ajankohtaista/Tiedotteet/2019.


Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, key media, www.caverion.com


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