28.02.2019 Stock exchange release

Conveyance of Caverion Corporation’s own shares pursuant to Restricted Share Plan and the related directed share issue

Conveyance of Caverion Corporation’s own shares pursuant to Restricted Share Plan and the related directed share issue

The Board of Directors of Caverion Corporation has decided on a directed share issue without payment for Caverion’s Restricted Share Plan 2016–2018 reward payment. The decision on the directed share issue without payment is based on the authorisation granted to the Board of Directors by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 26 March 2018.

In the directed share issue without payment, 23,622 Caverion Corporation shares held by the company have on 28 February 2019 been conveyed to a key person participating in the Restricted Share Plan according to the terms and conditions of the plan. No new shares will be issued in connection with the plan and therefore the plan will have no diluting effect. Prior to the directed issue, Caverion held a total of 3,264,451 of its own shares, of which 3,240,829 own shares remain after the conveyance.

Caverion Corporation's Board of Directors decided in December 2015 on establishment of the Restricted Share Plan for individually selected key employees in specific situations. Further details about the plan are available in the stock exchange release announced on 18 December 2015. The key aim of the plan is, among others, to align the interests of the shareholders and the senior management in order to promote shareholder value creation, to commit the key senior management to the company and its strategic targets and to offer them a competitive reward plan based on the ownership of the company’s shares.


Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, principal media, www.caverion.com


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