12.04.2019 Press release

Caverion has received ISO/IEC 27001 information security certificate

Caverion has received the ISO/IC 27001 information security certificate. The certificate is a significant milestone for Caverion, and emphasises Caverion’s commitment to provide high quality services to our customers.

“The certificate helps Caverion to demonstrate IT services’ security capabilities to our customers and other stakeholders. It also enables us to manage and improve information security with more structured manner. We do that with implemented Information Security Management System (ISMS). Now information security is even better embedded into Caverion’s common IT products and services,” says Jari Törmälä, Information Security Officer of Caverion.

As digital solution offering that Caverion provides to its customers continues to grow, the certificate is also a clear message of Caverion being among the top of the industry in information security.

“At Caverion information security is always embedded into the systems we offer to our customers from the early phases of development to implementing it as a part of the customer’s building management systems. The ISO/IEC27001 certificate recognizes the work we have been doing for years,” says Tuomo Härkönen, Head of Digital Solutions of Caverion.

In addition, Caverion has arranged more advanced trainings and instructions and built better preparedness to information security threats, meaning less incidents within information security area.

ISO/IEC 27001 covers all Caverion common IT solutions and services.


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For further information, please contact: Jari Törmälä, Information Security Officer, tel. +358 40 5285 133, jari.tormala@caverion.com

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