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13.03.2019 Press release

Caverion and Skanska to develop new building for the university hospital in Oulu, Finland


The Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District has chosen Caverion and Skanska as its alliance partners for the first phase of the Future Hospital OYS 2030 project, concerning the development of the so-called B-building.

The project is implemented through an alliance model where the execution is preceded by a development stage. During this stage, the plans are developed in collaboration with alliance partners, hospital line management and personnel. After the development stage, the hospital district will make a separate decision on initiating the execution phase. The execution involves the building of around 56,400 gross square metres of new hospital premises and underground parking spaces in Kontinkangas in Oulu.

In the first phase now ongoing, two ten-storey buildings, buildings A and B, will be built simultaneously so that they form a single entity. The goal is for the B-building to be completed in 2023. The A-building will be executed by NCC Suomi Oy in alliance with building systems contractor Aro-Systems, automation contractor Siemens as well as other operators.

”The new hospital is essential and urgent for us. The plan to speed up the construction work was updated in the summer of 2018 - now we will have facilities for accident and emergency four years faster than initially planned. In addition, we will save approximately EUR 300 million with the new plan’s construction order as we speed up the completion of the new hospital with six years. When the contractors for the first phase have now been chosen, we can move a step forward in the construction of the new hospital,” says Kari-Pekka Tampio, Project Director of the Future Hospital OYS 2030 project.

"The importance of good preliminary planning is emphasised when the execution of the project happens in parallel with hospital operations. Especially the execution of technical systems requires careful planning to ensure normal and uninterrupted hospital operations during the construction phase," says Ville Tamminen, Head of the division Finland of Caverion. 

Increased energy and material efficiency with life cycle cost calculations 

The goal of the Future Hospital OYS 2030 project is to renew the operations and processes of the hospitals of the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District. The renovation and renewal of properties aims to reduce property maintenance costs, increase energy efficiency, improve patient safety and grow the hospital's productivity. The premises are planned to be functional and comfortable multi-purpose spaces that make use of the latest technology and information systems.  

The goal of the construction project is to find environmentally friendly and innovative solutions and to take into consideration the effects and costs of throughout the life cycle.

"The project makes use of life cycle cost calculation and indicators for decreasing costs and improving energy and material efficiency," explains Markus Pöllä, Project Development Manager at Skanska. 

In November 2018, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health granted the Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District special permission for the construction of the first phase of the new university hospital. Overall, the construction project of the new hospital complex will take around ten years and the investment costs of the new buildings totals around billion euros. The project is one of the biggest construction projects in the Oulu region. 


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Further information: Kari-Pekka Tampio, Program Director, Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District Joint Authority, tel. +358 40 151 4005, kari-pekka.tampio[at]ppshp.fi Markus Pöllä, Project Development Manager, Skanska Talonrakennus Oy, tel. +358 40 543 5699, markus.polla[at]skanska.fi Kirsi Hemmilä, Communications Manager, Caverion Suomi Oy, tel. +358 50 390 0941, kirsi.hemmila[at]caverion.com

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