01.03.2018 Stock exchange release

Results of the directed share issue for Caverion’s key employees and transfer of own shares

Results of the directed share issue for Caverion’s key employees and transfer of own shares

The Board of Directors of Caverion Corporation has resolved on a directed share issue related to the implementation of the Matching Share Plan 2018-2022 for Group’s key employees. More detailed information about the launch of the plan, its terms and conditions and the related share issues was published in a stock exchange release on 7 February 2018.

The share subscription period ended on 23 February 2018. A total of 959,965 Caverion Corporation shares were subscribed for in the share issue. The subscription price was 6.37 euros per share and the total capital raised amounted to 6,114,977.05 euros. The company has granted the plan participants interest-bearing loans in the total amount of approximately EUR 3.6 million to finance the acquisition of the company’s shares.

A total of 959,965 Caverion Corporation shares held by the company will be transferred to the subscribers on 1 March 2018. After the transfer of shares, the company holds 3,352,363 own shares.


Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, principal media, www.caverion.com


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