SOK Ässäkeskus kuva Timo Herranen.jpg SOK Ässäkeskus
04.06.2018 Investor news

Caverion to provide building systems for two Varma properties in Finland

Caverion has signed an agreement on managing and implementing a building systems project for two demanding renovation sites in the Vallila district of Helsinki with Consti Korjausurakointi, which is the project management contractor in this undertaking. The value of the agreement is approximately EUR 16 million.

An extensive renovation and space modifications will be done in the properties, KOy Vallilan Toimisto and Oy Ässäkeskus Ab, owned by Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company. Caverion will be responsible for the total delivery of building systems in the project.

“In the overall picture, the renovation project is very demanding, and together with the client we wanted a reliable partner to deliver the building systems,” says Jukka Mäkinen, CEO of Consti Korjausurakointi.

“Environmental responsibility and energy efficiency are important to Varma. The goal of the renovation is to create modern, transformable premises for SOK and other tenants and to improve the buildings' energy efficiency. The renovation furthers the environmental goals of both Varma and the users of the premises,” says Tuomas Vaarasalo, Construction Manager at Varma.

Both properties offer a renovation challenge

KOy Vallilan Toimisto is comprised of three historically significant buildings protected by the Finnish Heritage Agency. The aim is to achieve BREEAM In-Use environmental certification for the buildings. BREEAM is Europe's most popular environmental certification.

SOK is the user of both properties, and approximately 1,000 people will continue using the premises of Oy Ässäkeskus Ab during the entire renovation. This requires careful planning of the work phases and close communication with both the parties executing the work and the users of the premises. Arrangements are made to ensure that personnel can avoid massive relocations to temporary premises.

“We are happy that Consti selected us as its partner. The building system solutions and the modernisation of technology ensure good conditions and excellent usability of premises for property users,” says Ville Tamminen, Head of Division Finland at Caverion.

The gross area of the properties is around 51,000 m2. The project is carried out as a construction management project, and the work will be completed at the end of 2019.

Consti Korjausurakointi belongs to Caverion's General Contractors client segment. Read more about our projects for general contractors.


Contact us or subscribe

For more information, please contact: Kirsi Hemmilä, Communications Manager, Caverion Finland, tel. +358 50 390 0941, Tuomas Vaarasalo, Construction Manager, Varma, tel. +358 40 731 6885,

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