23.08.2018 Investor news

Caverion implements technical systems for the Lahti end tunnels in the Lahti Southern Ring Road in Finland

Caverion has signed an agreement with the VALTARI alliance on supplying technical systems for tunnels on Main Road 12, Lahti Southern Ring Road, consisting of the part closest to Lahti. The VALTARI alliance is formed by the Finnish Transport Agency, the City of Lahti, the municipality of Hollola, Skanska Infra Oy, and Pöyry Finland Oy. The value of the agreement is not disclosed.

“The technical systems of tunnels and their successful and disruption-free implementation are of great importance for completing the project. Caverion has extensive experience in the design and implementation of technical tunnel systems,” says Janne Wikström, Project Manager at the Finnish Transport Agency.

The implementation phase of the Alliance project started in June 2018. Caverion's responsibilities include technical systems for tunnels: heating and sanitation, ventilation and air conditioning, cooling, electricity, information and communication technology, security, and road traffic control.

“We are very pleased to be involved in this important highway project. The latest tunnel technology will particularly ensure the safety of road users,” says Riku Mandelin, Head of PMO at Caverion Finland.

Main Road 12, the Southern Ring Road project of Lahti, aims to ensure a smoother and safer transport on Main Road 12 and to promote the development of land use and business life throughout the Lahti region. The project includes the construction of the Southern Ring Road 12 of Lahti and the improvement of the Lahti Southern Entrance Road 167.

Caverion is currently implementing the technical systems of a street tunnel in Teollisuuskatu, Helsinki. Previously, Caverion has provided technical systems to Main Road 1’s Isokylä tunnel in Salo, Ring 1’s Mestarintunneli in Leppävaara in Espoo, E18 highway’s Markkinamäki tunnel, and a tunnel on Main Road 3 in Hämeenlinna.


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For further information, please contact: Kirsi Hemmilä, Communications Manager, Caverion Finland, tel. 050 390 0941, kirsi.hemmila@caverion.com Janne Wikström, Project Manager, Finnish Transport Agency, tel. 029 534 3600, janne.wikstrom@liikennevirasto.fi

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