03.05.2017 Articles

Smooth cooperation at the Shell refinery in Denmark ensures optimal results

Several of Caverion Denmark's units participated in construction work on the Shell refinery’s control room, which has been renewed and secured at a cost of EUR 10 million. From the control room, technicians can monitor everything happening in the refinery area, including the marine terminal at the port of Fredericia.

The successful cooperation between the Caverion units contributed to the new control room coming into service smoothly after a change-over of 72 hours, switching over 265 signals from the old control room to the new.

- We have among other things been responsible for the low supply of both the generator section and the UPS systems. Alarm panels were built in case of fire and a new network structure with two independent fibre links was built to reduce the risk of crashes, says electrician Leif Erik Pedersen, who is a member of Caverion’s team at the refinery.

Collaboration was smooth

Security and Communication took care of digitising video surveillance, ports, fibre and phones. A distributed antenna system, which is an indoor mobile antenna, has been installed. Eight to ten people from Caverion have worked on the project for ten months and there have been challenges along the way. The control room is explosion proof and designed to the highest risk standards.

- It is not easy to put things in walls and floors, because the control room is filled with rebar. It has been a challenge so everything has taken longer, says Leif Erik Pedersen. 

Digitised monitoring and updated fibre infrastructure

The new control room has a new upgraded video surveillance system. The old room had analog surveillance that was converted to an IP based solution. Now it is all digital. First, all existing fibres were switched in the old control room, then a fibre infrastructure was installed in the new control room. Everything was designed and executed by Security & Communication in close cooperation with Managed Services.

Shell’s project manager Michael Jeppesen worked with Caverion during the completion of the control room.

- We wanted to work with a partner who we knew would manage the job. We knew that Caverion could, because the company has its daily walk with us. Caverion showed commitment delivering work to a high standard. It is also an advantage that Caverion has competence in other areas and that they can get the right people in. It is also important that Caverion grew up with Shell refinery, which recently turned 50, says Michael Jeppesen.

About Shell’s refinery

The refinery is located in Fredericia, and is one of two large refineries in Denmark. The refinery is an important part of the Danish energy producing more than a third of the fuel products that Danes use.

The former control room was built in the late 1960s, along with the refinery.


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