C-News front page image for Compass (ID 26742).jpg
28.06.2017 Press release

From tunnel technology to the top of a mast – Caverion C-News showcases our expertise

From tunnel technology to the top of a mast – Caverion C-News showcases our expertise

The latest issue of C-News, a short video news by Caverion, is now available at caverion.com and in YouTube.

Featured topics include: 

  • ServiFlex+: Our brand new service agreement for preventive maintenance of all properties changes the way properties are maintained and brings significant benefits for our clients.
  • Farriseidet tunnel project: Our experts are finalising the electricity works for a 22-kilometre-long railway tunnel in Norway.
  • Caverion extreme in Lithuania: Our high climbers complete technical installations high above the ground, and sometimes the conditions are quite extreme.
  • Energy efficiency: The Finnish car retailer Veho slashed their energy usage of properties in 2016. CO2 emissions reduced by 830 tonnes, which is equivalent to driving 8.3 million kilometres by car.  

The video is in English but subtitled in Danish, Estonian, Finnish, German, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, and Swedish. Watch the video at https://youtu.be/KRhQ9wcNL0I

Also the new C-People, magazine for our employees and all stakeholders, is now published and available at caverion.com/media.


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More information: Päivi Alakuijala, VP, Marketing and Communications, tel. +358 40 8400 251, paivi.alakuijala@caverion.com

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