25.10.2016 Press release

Good ranking from CDP 2016 to Caverion

Caverion received –B ranking in the CDP Climate Change 2016 evaluation (range A–D-), representing good Nordic average. The CDP (formerly the "Carbon Disclosure Project") is a global non-profit organisation providing a disclosure system through which companies around the world can measure and disclose their environmental performance. Caverion participated in the evaluation for the second time.

“Our CDP ranking shows that environment and energy issues are of high importance to us. Most of our clients are also increasingly interested in improving energy and operational efficiency of their buildings and plants over the life cycle and we can help them to achieve substantial energy and cost savings.  The emissions generated by our own operations are mainly due to the fuel consumption of our service cars. We use mobile IT tools and remote centers that help to reduce emissions, and we emphasise efficient planning of routes and economical way of driving,” says Ville Ojanen, Vice President, Strategy & M&A at Caverion.

By holding the largest collection globally of self-reported climate change data, CDP is the leading environment and climate index for investors. CDP represents 827 investors with EUR 96 trillion in assets.

CDP results were published 25, October, 2016. The average points of Nordic-based companies were B-. Of the 260 largest Nordic companies requested to provide environmental information to investors through CDP, 55% participated.

CDP report archive
Read more at our sustainability pages 


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For additional information please contact: Ville Ojanen, Vice President, Strategy & M&A, Caverion, tel. +49 151 1886 7474,

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