29.02.2016 Investor news

Changes in Caverion’s Group Management Board

Changes in Caverion’s Group Management Board

In line with the shifting focus within Caverion from development to implementation and growth, the following changes in Caverion’s Group Management Board will take place as of March 1, 2016.

Group support function Group Development and Strategy will be discontinued and its tasks are divided between two other group support functions to increase focus on implementation of the Group Enterprise architecture and efficient, group-wide procurement. Information Technology & Systems Management (IS/IT) as well as Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) will be part of the Business Development & Marketing group function, led by Carina Qvarngård. Procurement will be part of Delivery & Operations Development group function, led by Matti Malmberg. The changes will not have any change to the operational model of the divisions.

Sakari Toikkanen, the head of the discontinued group function Group Development and Strategy will continue in the Group’s employ. He will now focus solely on strategy execution and driving the M&A processes within the group. Mr. Toikkanen will resign from the Group Management Board of Caverion as of March 1, 2016.

Attachment: Caverion Organisation as of March 1, 2016

For additional information, please contact:

Milena Hæggström, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 5581 328, milena.haeggstrom@caverion.fi

Merja Eskola, Senior Vice President, Group Human Resources, tel.  + 358 40 7440 990, merja.eskola@caverion.fi


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