15.11.2016 Stock exchange release

Changes in Caverion Corporation’s Board of Directors: Michael Rosenlew chairs the Board until Annual General Meeting

Changes in Caverion Corporation’s Board of Directors: Michael Rosenlew chairs the Board until Annual General Meeting

Ari Lehtoranta has resigned from the Board of Directors of Caverion Corporation and from the position of Chairman of the Human Resources Committee as of today.  As the company has previously announced, Ari Lehtoranta will begin as the President and CEO of Caverion Corporation on January 1, 2017. 

Michael Rosenlew, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, will chair the Board of Directors until the closing of the next Annual General Meeting.

The Board of Directors has elected Michael Rosenlew as the Chairman of the Human Resources Committee. Anna Hyvönen and Ari Puheloinen will continue as its members. Audit Committee composition remains unchanged.


Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, principal media, www.caverion.com 


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