14.06.2016 Press release

Caverion installs solar power systems for Varma’s two properties in Helsinki

Caverion installs solar power systems for Varma’s two properties in Helsinki

Caverion delivers solar power systems to two Helsinki properties owned by Varma. Solar panels installed on the roofs of the properties in Itälahdenkatu 22 A in Lauttasaari and Itämerenkatu 11–13 in Ruoholahti will start to generate solar energy for the properties this summer.  

Varma intends to reduce the carbon footprint of the properties by 15 per cent by 2020. 

“Our goal is ambitious  and it will call for investments on renewable energy sources,” says Investment Director Ilkka Tomperi, who is in charge of Varma’s property portfolio.  

A system consisting of 197 solar panels, with a nominal power of 63.5 kW, has been installed on the roof of the office building in Itälahdenkatu 22 A in Lauttasaari. The solar power system continues the energy saving measures implemented in the property, which has a BREEAM environmental certificate. The property is included in Caverion’s energy management scheme, and its energy use has been optimised through a number of adjustment and maintenance measures which have quick payback times. The nominal power of the 128 solar panels to be installed on the roof of the building in Itämerenkatu 11–13 is 41 kW in total.

The solar power systems are estimated to generate a total of 90 - 98 MWh of electricity annually, which approximately equals the annual power consumption of five single-family houses heated with electrical energy. The estimated amount of power generated during the life cycle of both systems is 2,450 MWh. The combined annual emission reduction of the two properties is approximately 20.5 tons of CO2.

Solar energy gains popularity  

“Utilisation of renewable energy and on-site generation are increasing. They are also an efficient way to improve energy efficiency and limit carbon dioxide emissions. The interest in solar power has significantly increased in recent times and Caverion has delivered several technical solutions for solar energy utilisation for its clients. . Technology progresses and implementation costs decrease , which means raising profitability for the investments. We are glad to be able to offer our clients ways to reduce their carbon footprint,” says Ville Tamminen, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Caverion Finland.  

Tenants in the Itämerenkatu 11–13 property include Sitra and SuperCell, among others. Sitra is aiming to become carbon neutral by the end of the year.  

“We are very pleased that Sitra as a tenant has been able to influence the energy production for the property, because it affects our carbon footprint as well. At the same time, it communicates to our partners that everyone can do something to achieve common climate targets,” asserts Mikko Kosonen, President of Sitra.


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