The New University Hospital in Aarhus.jpg
06.05.2016 Investor news

Caverion delivers a Large Project for a new cancer treatment center in Aarhus, Denmark

Caverion has signed an agreement with The New University Hospital in Aarhus (DNU), Denmark on the delivery of building systems for the Danish Center for particle therapy (DCPT). The agreement includes Project Execution for the disciplines of Electricity, Heating & Sanitation and sprinklers (Security and Safety). The contract has a volume of approximately EUR 5.5 million.

The New Aarhus University Hospital has been selected as the host of the new Danish Centre for particle therapy by an international panel of experts. The Center will be located at the DNU and it will treat cancer patients from all over Denmark with the most advanced high-tech radiotherapy. The treatments will take place in a special treatment unit below the ground level of the hospital.

In particle therapy, the patients are irradiated with protons instead of photons (x-ray) as in traditional radiation therapy. The advantage of proton treatment is that radiation dose outside the cancer area is limited better than by using plain x-ray radiation. In addition for avoiding the risk of serious side effects, for children and adolescents the proton treatment will also reduce the risk of developing a new, radiation induced cancer later in life.

“We are proud to participate in a project that ensures more cancer patients getting a better treatment. Merging four hospital locations and moving them to one location in Aarhus is the biggest hospital construction ever in the region. Together with the existing Aarhus University Hospital it will become a comprehensive hospital complex,” says Knut Gaaserud, Executive Vice President & CEO division Denmark-Norway of Caverion.

The project in the 9,000 m2 large center started during March 2016 and will be completed in March 2018. The builder is Hoffmann A/S. The project belongs to Caverion’s public sector client segment.

(image source: DNU/Project department)


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