01.10.2015 Stock exchange release

Changes in the holding of Caverion Corporation´s own shares

Changes in the holding of Caverion Corporation´s own shares

Caverion Corporation has received 474 own shares (CAV1V).

The shares were initially transferred to those key persons who were included in the target group of YIT Corporation’s share-based incentive scheme of 2010-2016 during the 2012 earning period, and who have later in the demerger of YIT Corporation transferred to Caverion Corporation’s employ.

The Caverion shares received as demerger consideration are under transfer restriction and obligation of returning the shares to Caverion Corporation, to the extent that the shares have been received as part of the share-based incentive scheme of YIT Corporation.

The total number of shares in Caverion is 125,596,092.

After the receipt of shares Caverion held a total of 511,461 of its own shares as per September 30, 2015. 

Additional information:

Milena Hæggström, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 5581 328, milena.haeggstrom@caverion.fi


Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, principal media, www.caverion.com

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