05.11.2015 Press release

Caverion scored well in CDP 2015 reporting

Caverion has participated in the global CDP reporting process for the first time, and received 89 out of 100 points. The CDP (formerly the "Carbon Disclosure Project") is a global non-profit organisation providing a disclosure system through which companies around the world can measure and disclose their environmental information.

“Our entire business idea relates to sustainability of properties and industrial processes and we are proud of the very good results received from CDP. Our services and solutions help our clients to reduce their environmental impact and we see an increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions, also for existing buildings,” says Sakari Toikkanen, Senior Vice President, Group Strategy & Development.

By holding the largest collection globally of self-reported climate change data, CDP is the leading environment and climate index for investors. CDP results were published on November 4, 2015. The average points of Nordic-based companies was 84/100 and for Finland-based 82/100.

See CDP 2015 reports 

Read more at our sustainability pages

For additional information please contact: Sakari Toikkanen, Senior Vice President, Group Strategy & Development, tel. +358 40 532 2174, sakari.toikkanen@caverion.fi


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