28.01.2015 Investor news

Caverion provides a life cycle project worth over EUR 18 million for the new main police station in Holstebro, Denmark


Caverion has signed a contract with general contractor A. Enggaard to deliver a managed life cycle project for the new Holstebro police station. The value of the project is EUR 18.8 million, and it includes the total delivery of all building systems in the property,  followed by operation, service and maintenance  throughout a contract period of 25 years from completion.

In the project, Caverion takes full responsibility for the planning, building, operating and maintaining of the technical systems and solutions, including electricity, heating and sanitation, ventilation and air conditioning as well as security, safety and building automation. Caverion is thus responsible for the effectiveness, usability, safety, and condition of the property throughout the life cycle of the property. The property is connected to Caverion’s remote monitoring and remote management service, which ensures agreed conditions and optimal energy use in the building.

“This is an exciting project, because we can make use of the competence in all our technical disciplines and service areas, and provide the client with the benefit of our knowledge about lifecycle solutions for buildings,” says Michael Kirkegaard, Director of Managed Services at Caverion Denmark.

The assignment is part of a public-private partnership (PPP) with the Danish Building and Property Agency. In addition to general contractor A. Enggaard, the consortium also includes Nordea, Friis & Moltke and Cowi.

The contract covers advisory services, design & engineering, project management, project execution, technical maintenance, managed operations and managed life cycle. The construction work on site is already underway and will be completed in the beginning of 2016. The total area of the property is approximately 12,000 m2, and it will house regional administration and police functions.

Additional information:
Caverion Denmark, Erik Lind Olsen, Business Development Manager, tel.: +45 27 87 21 18, erik.l.olsen@caverion.dk


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