08.06.2015 Investor news

Caverion implements a large project with total technical solutions for Frankfurt School of Finance and Management


Caverion has signed a contract with Frankfurt School of Finance and Management on designing and building total technical solutions to the school’s new campus in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The contract includes heating and sanitation, ventilation and air-conditioning, cooling, electricity and automation solutions as well as security and safety solutions in the form of sprinklers. Caverion is responsible for design and engineering and project execution. The parties will not disclose the contract’s value.

The design phase has already started. Once completed in June 2017 the new campus will have a total surface area of more than 32,500 m2. It will be equipped by Krantz Multifunctional AVACS sails, which combine cooling, heating, ventilation and sound absorption in a single system. Krantz is a registered trademark of Caverion.

“The new campus is a major milestone in our efforts to belong to the top five business schools in Europe by 2020,” explains Klaus Ringsleben, director of the Frankfurt School’s new building project. “As such, we have high architectural and building solutions expectations. We were very much taken with Caverion’s comprehensive Design & Build approach,” mentions Ringsleben.

Since Frankfurt School of Finance and Management is aiming to be awarded gold certification by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) for the building, efficient use of energy without wasting resources was of key focus.

 “Already at the planning stage Caverion’s teams of experts were able to have a major influence on the system concepts presented,” says Jürgen Stein, head of Caverion’s Design & Build operations in Germany. “By being involved from the beginning of a project, we can develop solutions that minimise the building’s environmental footprint. Partially simultaneous planning and installation also shorten the construction phase and lower the overall costs,” explains Jürgen Stein. “This is an approach, which we believe can serve as a great benchmark for similar complex large-scale projects,” he continues.

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management belongs to Caverion’s Real Estate Owners and Developers client segment.

Illustrations of the new campus can be downloaded at:http://imagebank.caverion.com/check_a.php?hash=b7ac17bbeda8a5103b94e11cd195c250

Additional information

Caverion Germany, Holger Winkelsträter, Marketing and Communications, tel.: +49 (0)89 3742 88117, Holger.Winkelstraeter@caverion.com


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