16.07.2015 Investor news

Caverion equips new Tunnel Lambach on the B1 with tunnel technology in Austria

Caverion has signed a contract with the Land of Upper Austria for delivering tunnel technology for the tunnel Lambach on the road B1. The value of the contract is approximately EUR 4.7 million and it covers design & engineering, project management and project execution.

The preparatory work will start in July 2015, the actual construction work will start in April 2016 and it is scheduled to be completed in December 2016. The contract covers the technical disciplines of electricity, information and communication services, security and safety, automation and ventilation and air conditioning.

The 912 meter long tunnel is part of the construction project to bypass the community of Lambach. The aim is to significantly improve the noise protection as well as reduce the exhaust emissions. The traffic flow is controlled through Caverion’s advanced solutions for traffic safety equipment and lightning. The security and safety will be ensured by Caverion through power supply including the emergency power supply, monitoring of the air conditions, fire protection, video surveillance as well as alarm and emergency call systems, among others.

“By providing these tunnel technologies, Caverion will contribute to the safety and security as well as an eased flow of traffic in the bi-directional tunnel Lambach,” says Manfred Simmet, Senior Vice President & CEO, Division Austria.

Land of Upper Austria belongs to Caverion’s Public Sector client segment.

Further information:

Caverion Austria, Eva Winterer, Communications, tel. +43 50606 4267, eva.winterer@caverion.at


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