03.09.2015 Investor news

Caverion delivers process piping to pulp mill at Värö, Sweden

Caverion delivers process piping to pulp mill at Värö, Sweden

Caverion has signed a contract with Valmet AB on the installation of mechanical process piping and equipment at Södra Cell AB’s pulp mill at Värö, Sweden. The contract covers multiple deliveries. Installation work started in spring 2015 and will be completed by spring 2016. The value of the contract will not be disclosed.

The process piping delivery includes industrial installation projects at the pulp mill causticising plant, fibre line and cooking plant. Caverion’s service chain includes prefabrication, material procurement and installation for a total of 350 tonnes of piping. Project execution employs approximately 60–70 people from Caverion, and the work is carried out as cooperation between the Finnish and Swedish units. The pipes are technically very challenging to produce, especially for the cooking plant. The prefabricated products are for the most part produced at Caverion’s own workshop at Leppävirta, Finland, which is specialised in the production of stainless-steel piping.

Caverion’s deliveries are part of Valmet’s deliveries to a major investment programme at Södra Cell’s pulp mill. Södra Cell is investing about EUR 530 million to increase capacity, optimise product quality and improve energy efficiency at the mill. Caverion has been involved in Södra Cell’s previous pulp mill projects. 

Valmet is a long-time client for Caverion, and I am happy that they trust our competence in this project as well. The forest industry is now investing in new capacity both in Finland and in Sweden, and Caverion is among the first to build modern production plants,” says Juhani Pitkäkoski, Executive Vice President & CEO, Division Industrial Solutions.

“Valmet is happy to once again work with Caverion in this important project,” says Per Nyström, Project Director from Valmet AB.

Valmet AB belongs to Caverion’s industrial client segment.

For further information, please contact:

Caverion Industrial Solutions, Sanna-Mari Laitinen, Communications Manager, tel. +358 50 390 4443, sanna-mari.laitinen@caverion.fi

Valmet AB, Per Nyström, Project Director, tel +46 541 94877, per.nystrom@valmet.com


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