25.07.2014 Investor news

Caverion to provide ventilation solutions to DZNE research premises in Bonn, Germany


Caverion will deliver ventilation solutions to the new premises of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn, Germany. The contract is worth EUR 8.7 million and it includes project execution and technical maintenance for the next five years. Work has begun in June and is scheduled to be complete in the beginning of 2016.  

The new buildings for DZNE are a public sector project. Caverion is responsible for the ventilation units for the four-storey laboratory building and to the three-storey pre-clinic centre. Laboratory and technical areas, a canteen with kitchen, offices and meeting rooms will be built on an area covering approximately 15,000 m². Caverion designs individualised solutions for each space based on their specific requirements regarding air volumes and purity.

DZNE is aiming for sustainable building BNB Gold certification for its new premises. Among other measures, the high-performance heat recovery system supplied by Caverion will go a considerable way to achieving the required objectives for energy efficiency.

Further Information:

Caverion Deutschland GmbH, Barbara Gehrmann, Communications officer, tel. +49 175 7277064, barbara.gehrmann@caverion.de


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