06.10.2014 Investor news

Caverion provides ventilation and air conditioning systems worth over 5 million for automobile manufacturer in Germany

Caverion has secured a contract with a German automobile manufacturer to install ventilation and air conditioning systems for the expansion of one of their factories in Germany. The value of the contract is EUR 5.5 million and it covers project execution. The work on site is already underway and will be completed in February 2015.

The total floor area of the property, which will be used for car bodywork manufacture and logistics, is around 68,500 m². The ventilation and air conditioning systems will feature nine roof ventilation and air conditioning devices with an output of 150,000 m³ per hour each. They will distribute the supply air using 245 displacement outlets.

"This project illustrates our ability to meet tight delivery schedules and our capability to work in demanding properties, in this case assembling the devices at heights of up to 17 metres”, says head of Caverion’s local branch office, Peter Möbius.

Additional information:
Caverion Germany, Barbara Gehrmann, Communications Officer, tel. +49 175 727 7064, barbara.gehrmann@caverion.de


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