20.02.2014 Stock exchange release

Caverion Corporation's Annual Report 2013 published

Caverion Corporation's Annual Report  2013 published

Caverion Corporation’s Annual Report 2013 has been published in English and Finnish at:

www.annualreport2013.caverion.com (English)
www.vuosikertomus2013.caverion.com (Finnish)

The online report includes the Financial Statements for the financial year 2013, the Board of Directors' report and the Auditors' report. The Annual Report also provides information on Caverion’s strategy, business operations, operating environment and corporate responsibility.

At the download centre of the online report, the entire Annual Report or parts of it can be downloaded and printed in PDF format. The online report replaces the printed Annual Report.

Caverion has also published its Corporate Governance Statement for 2013 in English and Finnish. The statement is included in the online Annual Report and it can also be found on Caverion’s website at www.caverion.com/investors.


Distribution: NASDAQ OMX, principal media, www.caverion.com


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