05.09.2013 Investor news

Caverion to deliver facility management services to Gävleborg County Council in Sweden

Caverion to deliver facility management services to Gävleborg County Council in Sweden

Caverion Sverige AB has won a facility management contract for Gävleborg County Council in Sweden. The contract includes administrative and technical management services, monitoring, operation and corrective maintenance at around 20 of Gävleborg County Council’s properties.

- I’m really pleased we’ve been awarded the contract for Gävleborg County Council. Providing technical facility management services is one of our priorities, says Klas Tocklin, Caverion Sverige AB regional manager.

The facilities covers total surface area of approx. 390,000 m² and the contract will generate jobs for approx. 30 people. The term of the five-year contract commences on 1 December 2013.

Caverion Sverige AB currently has similar contracts for institutions including Karolinska University Hospital in Solna north of Stockholm, Stockholm South General Hospital, and Norrtälje Hospital.

For further information, please contact:

Jan Ström, Facility Management Head of Sales, Caverion Sverige AB, tel.: +46 72 736 39 65, jan.strom@caverion.se
Stefan Johansson, Facility Management District Manager, Caverion Sverige AB, tel.: +46 70 379 83 62, Stefan.e.johansson@caverion.se


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