25.09.2013 Press release

Caverion participates in Kiruna City transformation in Sweden

Caverion Sverige AB has been commissioned to install electricity, plumbing and ventilation in 14 new properties with 46 new apartments in Kiruna, Sweden. The project is in progress and is expected to be completed in the autumn of 2014. The order value is over EUR 1.0 million.

The work is a part of Kiruna's large urban transformation, which involves relocation of parts of the Kiruna city center. Mining has caused deformations in the soil which has resulted that LKAB is preparing replacement apartments for those houses that must be torn down.

Caverion's project involves an overall delivery within electricity, plumbing and ventilation. The commission is a further development of a previous cooperation where Caverion was responsible for the corresponding installations in the new residential area of Jägarskolan.

- It is great to be a part of this project since it's the first new production of apartments in Kiruna's urban transformation. Our overall responsibility means that we can coordinate both working methods and procedures more easily, says Daniel Lundberg, District Manager, Caverion Sverige AB.

Additional information:

Daniel Lundberg, District manager, Caverion Sverige AB, tel.: +46 980 62 961, daniel.lundberg@caverion.se


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