23.09.2013 Investor news

Caverion designs and executes building systems for the service home for the elderly in Espoo, Finland

Caverion has signed an agreement with YIT on the design and execution of building systems for a residential building that offers service and rental housing, to be built by YIT in Espoo, Finland.

The value of Caverion’s contract is approximately EUR 2 million. The contract includes all building systems and a sprinkler system. The total value of the entire building project is approximately EUR 14 million.

Construction will begin in November–December and the Kaivomäki service home is estimated to be completed in February 2015.

The two bottom floors of the service home will house a group home offering intensive service housing for the elderly. These premises have already been rented out to Mainio Vire Oy with a long-term tenancy agreement. In addition, three floors will have approximately 40 senior and service housing apartments to be rented out to senior citizens and the elderly.

In the design and execution of building systems, special attention will be paid to the accessibility of the premises, a good indoor environment and the special requirements of the service home operations.

The service home has been commissioned by the recently established Pohjola Asuntorahasto I Ky fund managed by Pohjola Kiinteistösijoitus Oy.

Additional information: 
Riku Mandelin, Business Division Director, Caverion Suomi Oy, tel. +358 40 840 2480, riku.mandelin@caverion.fi


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